
Before we get started, lets be honest! The FI community has so many great people with tremendous stories. These recommendations are the people I got started with. If you would like to see everyone I follow, you can go to my twitter account and literally see everyone I’m following!


Mad Fientist –

This Pittsburgh native is a legend within the FI community. His website offers advanced strategies and software tools to help his followers enhance and potentially reduce their journey to financial independence. He’s not at the top of my list because of his Pittsburgh roots but more importantly due to his dedication and content he provides his followers. I thoroughly enjoy his podcasts and can’t help but laugh at some of his monotoned responses to his guests. Give him a listen for he is extremely helpful for anyone interested in pursuing FI.

Dave Ramsey –

Dave is the God Father of personal finance for me. His book, The Total Money Makeover, was the first personal finance book I read. This book shed the light on consumer debt and how it was crippling my personal finances. His strategies for paying off debt is the best out there! I’ll admit and say that I have strayed away from the rest of his 7 Baby Step Program due to his investing strategies but Dave will always be credited for getting my family “DEBT FREE!”


J. Money –

Straight gangster when it comes to personal finance. If you’re on the fence about following a financial blog because you think its boring then you’ll want to look into J. Money’s website. He is a breath of fresh air for the FI community. He offers a lot of great spreadsheets that can help you along the way.